our services

In 2023, the Team attended 221 performances

The Team consists of over 60 practitioners in many disciplines

The Team strives to help athletes in their rodeo careers by providing pre-event care and treatment, acute injury arena coverage, crisis control, and post-event care and follow up. The Team educates and enables competitors to better care for themselves and their injuries, to ensure they get the most out of their lives and rodeo careers. By providing this care, we have seen a reduction in the number of ‘turn-outs’ by increasing healthy competitors. In 2023 the Team attended 221 performances in Canada including Canadian Pro Rodeo Association rodeos, Professional Bull Riders events, and the Calgary Stampede Rodeo and Chuckwagons.

The Team consists of over 60 practitioners  in the disciplines of athletic therapy, chiropractic care, and massage therapy that provide on-site attention to rodeo athletes. The CPRSMT also includes a curated network of physicians, sport medicine physicians and orthopaedic surgeons providing post injury care to rodeo competitors.

Pre-Event Preparation & Care
Taping and bracing, massage therapy, chiropractic care, athletic therapy, etc.
Concussion Education & Management
In partnership with the Ty Pozzobon Foundation to further awareness and care.
Arena Coverage & Crisis Control
Acute/traumatic injury management and control in partnership with on-site EMS
Educational Seminars
For junior rodeo events, rodeo schools, and symposiums
Post-Event Evaluation & Care
Acute injury care, treatment, creation of rehabilitation programs, referral coordination
Injury Recovery Network
A carefully curated network of sport medicine physicians and orthopaedic surgeons

how do we do it?

We Are a not-for-profit

The practitioners are paid a stipend for the rodeos/events they attend and all travel costs are covered. Additional team expenses include medical supplies and equipment, our trucks and mobile treatment trailers, and team administrative costs. The team is not a financially self-sustaining organization and relies on contributions from the Canadian Professional Rodeo Association, its members, rodeo committees, private donors, and corporate partners.

…rolls of tape used per season, on average. Equal to 80 kilometre unrolled end to end!


…average number of rodeo athlete treatments per season.


…includes both rodeo and bullriding performances covered per season, on average.


…of fuel used during the 2018 rodeo season for three service trucks and two 32ft mobile treatment trailers.

1000 K

…team operating budget for the 2018 rodeo season